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Natalia Lilac Haze Dried Bouquet

Natalia Lilac Haze Dried Bouquet


Surprise a loved one with this trendy, cheerful and sustainable bouquet! With this dried bouquet you give a sustainable and unique gift, featuring rose, palm blute, love grass, fern, hydi silver, gypsophila and sago, picked and preserved from locations across Australia.


Additional Information

Drying flowers preserves the beauty of the bunch and can be enjoyed for years to come. To increase the longevity of your arrangement, display away from direct sunlight and humidity, and avoid water.

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Surprise a loved one with this trendy, cheerful and sustainable bouquet! With this dried bouquet you give a sustainable and unique gift, featuring rose, palm blute, love grass, fern, hydi silver, gypsophila and sago, picked and preserved from locations across Australia.


Additional Information

Drying flowers preserves the beauty of the bunch and can be enjoyed for years to come. To increase the longevity of your arrangement, display away from direct sunlight and humidity, and avoid water.