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Love You Grandad Sentimental Verse Mug
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Love You Grandad Sentimental Verse Mug

Send a Hug in a Mug

Love You Grandad Sentimental Verse Mug

Mug features large, white hand written style text that reads "Love You Grandad" against a dark blue background.
There is a also a sentimental verse. Text reads: "You make me laugh, you make me smile, you're there for me when I need you. I'm so lucky that you're my Grandad. A big thank you for all that you do."

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Love You Grandad Sentimental Verse Mug

Mug features large, white hand written style text that reads "Love You Grandad" against a dark blue background.
There is a also a sentimental verse. Text reads: "You make me laugh, you make me smile, you're there for me when I need you. I'm so lucky that you're my Grandad. A big thank you for all that you do."