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Share a Smile Charity Collection

Moonpig x Starlight Children's Foundation

Discover six heartwarming cards, with 100% of net proceeds dedicated to bringing hope to sick children across Australia.

Share a Smile, Make a Difference

For over 30 years, Starlight Children's Foundation has worked alongside health professionals to bring fun, joy and laughter to seriously ill children and families across Australia - so that 'sick kids' can simply be 'kids'. We've partnered with our friends at Starlight Children's Foundation to design seven limited edition cards that make an impact. With every purchase from the Share a Smile collection, you're not just putting a smile on the face of your loved one – you're helping to bring a little bit of magic back into the lives of sick children and their families across Australia.

Make hospital a happy place for kids in hospital

All proceeds from our ‘Share a Smile’ collection go towards bringing joy to kids like Zack. At 5 years old, Zack’s Leukaemia diagnosis turned his world upside down. Fortunately, Starlight was there to make hospital a happy place for Zack. Captain Starlight provided moments of positive distraction through fun games and activities, and the Starlight Express Room offered Zack a medical-free sanctuary in hospital, where he could momentarily escape to engage in play, spend precious moments with his siblings and socialise with other kids, and simply be a kid again. When serious illness took over, Starlight gave Zack his childhood back.

Brighten Someone's Day

Explore our bespoke range and send a card to your loved one today whilst 100% of proceeds are donated!