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CALM x Moonpig: Find the Words

Moonpig x CALM  have joined forces to help you say the things that really matter to the people who mean the most to you. Without a cliché in sight. 

There’s no such thing as the perfect time. Never a perfect time for you to call your mate, tell your mum you love them or just reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with. The right time is when it feels right for you. And guess what? That time is now.

Find the Words With CALM x Moonpig

We’ve created a range of cards - funny. Honest. Serious. Stupid - that help you find the words. Your mate going through a rough patch? Want to let someone know that you’ve got their back? Or remembered that night out when you couldn’t stop snort-laughing and just want to let them know you’re up for another round? These are the cards for you.

CALM x Moonpig

Why? Because CALM stands for Campaign Against Living Miserably. And these are cards against living miserably. Too often we hold back and don’t say something because finding the right words can be tricky. But whatever you say, it can make someone's day. 

And, if you need another reason to grab one of our cards: every one sold helps to support CALM’s life-saving work. Someone talks to their helpline staff every 59 seconds and buying a card means they can be there to have a potentially life-saving conversation. 

So, what are you waiting for? Shop the range now and let that person in your life know there’s someone there for them. ‘Cos that’s the best feeling, isn’t it? Making someone smile. Go ahead, say it – whatever ‘it’ may be. 

Find the Words With the Perfect Card

About CALM

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is uniting the UK against suicide.  

Every day 18 people in the UK take their own lives. CALM exists to change this – by offering life-saving support, creating culture-changing campaigns, and bringing people together across the country to reject living miserably, all to make standing against suicide a way of life for everyone.