A bouquet inspired by the playful energy of Thumper, featuring soft white roses and delicate white lisianthus. This charming arrangement brings the innocence and joy of the forest to life, making it the perfect gift for someone who brings a little extra bounce into your world.
What's in the Box?
3 Spray white roses
4 White 50c roses
3 White Lisianthus
3 Coco uno white hypericums
3 White Astrantia
3 Senecio cineraria
2 Lagurus
The Important Part:
- We promise seven days’ freshness or a free replacement with every bouquet.
- Select your date or get next day delivery when you order by 9pm Monday-Friday. Plus, get SMS tracking and a 2 hour delivery window.
- Our flowers arrive in bud and will come into bloom within a day or two. This means fresher flowers for longer – yay!
- Each bouquet is hand-tied by our expert florists.
- Bouquets come in our signature Nourishing Wrap to keep them happy and hydrated while travelling
Please Note:
- In the rare event that any flowers become unavailable or are not quite up to standard, we’ll replace them with flowers of similar or superior style, quality and value.
- The vase is not included.